9 months

Last Update: July 11, 2010

I joined the WA family 9 months ago today. I would to take this moment to say THANK YOU once again to EVERYONE for all the love and good vibes from the WA family worldwide!! 

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xploringsuccess Premium
Any community of which a junglist is a member has got to be a good one. So glad to have met ya and to know ya. May you have much success and move drum & bass well into the future.
Barnabus Premium
Well,Happy anniversary Jamie...Good wishes for continued success in your endeavors for the next 9 months and beyond..Barnabus
maureenhannan Premium
Congrats, Jamie. I would have guessed you'd been here longer...you seem so very knowledgeable. Good vibes indeed--it's a great group of people! ~ Maureen
Louise M. Premium
We love you Jamie!!
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy 9 month landmark Jamie! Flew by, didn't it?