Attitude of Grattitude

Last Update: June 14, 2011

My dad just got out of heart surgery and it was a success! I am so happy I can't find the right words. I just want to give props to the hospital crew in Marquette Michigan and also give thanks to EVERYONE worldwide for all your kind thoughts and prayers.

Today is my dad's birthday, please raise your glass in celebration.

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muskyblood Premium
Glad everything went well! Wishing a speedy recovery and a happy birthday. No problem raising a glass, I will do that as I type this :)
Wayne Hudler Premium
Great things to celebrate indeed! These events do give us a reality check. So little of what we think is important really is.
PedroSousa Premium
Congratulations! I am very happy for you too, thats the way to go! Atittude of Grattitude... ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
I will raise a glass of wine tonight in tribute to your dad, to say happy birthday and to his quick recovery. This will be especially intended for him since I don't drink much, or at all. I'll make it a good wine too.
Sounds like a pretty good birthday present. Tune up the bass for his party. You can probably find something more suitable but the Yardbirds "Heart Full Of Soul" springs to mind. Best Wishes, JR.