Blake Edwards R.I.P.

Last Update: December 16, 2010

Blake Edwards R.I.P.

I am known around the world for Drum&Bass. But those that know me personally know that my background is jazz. Henry Mancini is my alltime favorite composer. Blake Edwards was the person who gave Henry Mancini his big break with composing the Peter Gunn music in the early 1960's. These two talented gentlemen have blessed pop culture with such excellent works as "Pink Panther", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Peter Gunn", and "The Party", just to name a few.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I love his movies too. Great collaboration. He'll be missed, as is Henry Mancini, also Peter Sellers. Pink Panther made me laugh my head off.
Louise M. Premium
Thx bro for this post about Edwards! 88 years old! Laughter is a good medicine. ;) His comedies made me laugh so much and still do, just the intro scene of "The Party" can make my day. ;) Such a perfect collaboration with Mancini. :D