Google+ Hangout

Last Update: May 17, 2012
I am re-posting this from the Tony Robbins' crew ...

Did you tune in Monday nights through April and May to watch Breakthrough with Tony Robbins on OWN TV?

Breakthrough (and Tony's appearances on Oprah's Lifeclass) were big steps on a journey of discovery for hundreds of thousands of people. But really, it was an awakening, and just the beginning.

The next step is to join Tony next Thursday in a Google+ Hangout. This is Google's live, interactive video chat. Tony will use this platform to chat live with fans—maybe with YOU—right from your computer, about your own breakthroughs!

You'll take away wisdom and insights that will expand the possibilities, give you a renewed sense of strength and power—and enable you to actually extend the breakthroughs you've already made in your life.

Do you want to be one of the lucky participants in a live conversation with Tony? Tell us about your breakthrough (be concise!) on Google+, Facebook or Twitter and use the hashtag #AskTonyRobbins

Then come to Tony's Google+ page here and follow him—and be sure to visit his page on Thursday, May 24 at noon Pacific to see the live conversation!

This is an incredible opportunity to connect and hangout with Tony one-to-one, and to extend the historic journey of Breakthrough with Tony Robbins. We look forward to seeing you there.

To breakthrough after breakthrough!

The Tony Robbins Team
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Jamie Smith Premium
Here is the archives for those of you who ran into scheduling conflicts and were not able to attend live.
Deezdz Premium
Hey Jamie, I had no idea and you know I'm a fan ;). Thanks for the info!