
Last Update: March 11, 2011

My heart and prayers go out to EVERYONE in Japan.


I worked 12hours yesterday and then went to lay down to unwind after a long successful day. Only to find those Japan images LIVE on the BBC, my soul is heavy right now. We get thousands of listeners each day with BassDrive in Japan. They are VERY loyal fans.

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paul-c Premium
I also pray for those in Japan who have suffered such a tragedy. May GOD be with them in these troubled times.
Jenmuso Premium
Lets also remember the people of Tonga as well. They've also experienced a significant earthquake today.
tonylen Premium
Was stationed there for 3 years and echo your sentiment and prayers for everyone there. And yes, they are VERY loyal fans and show incredible appreciation for artists and music.
weitjerry Premium
Yea, looked pretty devastating on the coast.
jatdebeaune Premium
Yeah, I woke up to it this morning. Have a cousin living in Japan. Concerned. Let's send them prayers.