Jay webinar

Last Update: August 24, 2010

Jay is my marketing mentor

enjoy Jay's FREE webinar

check out Jay's magistudios blog and follow www.twitter.com/IMrush

I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...


Hey Team!

Would like to be in the hotseat and have me look
at your website  to offer some advice?

Are you having trouble with your website where conversions are low?

I am here to help..

This is why I am going to put on a hot seat webinar where I will take a look at 3 different websites and offer some suggestions on SEO, SEM & Mindset.

Now, to assure you that I know what I am doing, here are some search engine results I have acquired:

  • affiliate resources: #2  (63,700,000 results)
  • marketing training: #4 on Google.ca (88,700,000 results)
  • outdoor fitness: #2 on Google.ca (94,500,000 results)

This is my full time passion, I am in love with natural search engine results and want to spread that love to you! Search engine marketing isn't hard if you have some ground rules and don't deviate from them.


Before we determine a date for next week, let's see who wants to be in the hotseat.  That being said, I wish I could critique everyone's website - but in reality, I can only take 3 for this webinar.  But don't worry if yours isn't selected - watching the webinar will certainly help your own site.


 If you want to be in the hotseat, all you have to do is tell me WHY I should have a look at your website in the comments below and then PM me your website URL and the time of day you would be able to attend the webinar.

Sounds Good!?

OK! Let's Hear It!


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Jamie Smith Premium
Jay announced today that his FREE webinar is scheduled for Tuesday September 14th 7pmPST http://www.ustream.tv/channel/internet-marketing-coffee-talk
Jamie Smith Premium
@valeri please send your website info to Jay on his magistudios blog
valeri Premium
Sure thing I am interested :)

I have a site with alexa ranking of under 25,000 and I would love for you to look over my site and suggest some monetization improvements as well as what type of visitors I should be targeting.

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Best Wishes,

Valeri Tkatchenko