Proofreading and editing

Last Update: January 04, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR to the WA family worldwide!!

For those of you looking for proofreading and editing support ...


I have an excellent proofreader with over 10 years experience as a proofreading supervisor for a publishing company on my crew available for freelance @ $20/hr


I have an excellent editor with over 30 years teaching experience with a Master's Degree available for freelance @ $20/hr

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Jamie Smith Premium

Yes, there is so much talent in the WA family but I continue to see all the proofreading and editing errors each day. Just wanted to be a blessing with my crew if anyone needs help. These two ladies work very fast and very efficient, top quality all the way. I donated you some WA Gold.
Suave Doggie Premium
Wut do I want with a prof reder? I do jist fin on my own.
Seriously, I'm in and out of quite a few forums...and I'll pass it along if the question comes up.

Suave Doggie aka Steve Benedict