Posts by Jamie Smith 328
September 20, 2011
Jay is my marketing mentor I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog. I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...     Friday September 23rd 5pm PST Advanced Wordpress Strategies Bymagistudios   With Wordpress being one of your 'tools of the trade', you need to know it inside and out. Join Jay (magistudios) this Friday Sept. 23 to learn about the tool that gets your site ranked on the internet. * A Look into Widg
September 17, 2011
For most of you, Jim Rohn needs very little introduction. Jim passed away two years ago, but has made an impact on my life. Figured I would share this youtube footage from his "The Power of Ambition" series for you to enjoy at your leisure. There are 39 parts to this series that youtube will bring up for you. I will be the 1st to admit that the music is pretty lame, but the information is valuable in my opinion. Jim Rohn R.I.P.  
September 16, 2011
Jay is my marketing mentor I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog. I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...     Friday September 16th 2011 5pm PST Keyword Research Panda Style Bymagistudios   Proper keyword research is the foundation for any successful online marketing campaign and in this live presentation, we will show you how it's done. Join Jay (magistudios) TONIGHT @ 5pm (Vancouver time) for live exampl
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September 13, 2011
Props to everyone worldwide who thinks outside the box and go above&beyond to help make this world a better place to live.
September 12, 2011
Happy 6th birthday to WA!
1 comment
September 10, 2011
Life is surreal as we reflect on the 10th anniversary of 9/11
September 08, 2011
Jay is my marketing mentor I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog. I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...     Friday September 9th 2011 5pm PST The Business of SEO.. Local and Beyond Bymagistudios   Your community needs you! Not to help clean up your local park.. but your SEO skills for small businesses! Leveraging your SEO skills to local business and beyond is a great way to make some great money. Le
September 02, 2011
I want to personally invite you to celebrate with my BassDrive crew for the next 7days as we are an official sponsor once again for the much anticipated SUN&BASS 2011 festival in Sardinia Italy. Fans are flying in from all over the world to soak up the love and good vibes. We will be streaming various performances for FREE as always.   iTunes>Radio>Electronica>BassDrive Enjoy the FREE TuneInRadio app on your mobile devices iPhone, iPad,
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September 01, 2011
Cheers to everyone in the WA family worldwide celebrating a September birthday!
August 28, 2011
THANK YOU to the thousands of cool people who came out in style to celebrate with my World Class Management crew during the London Carnival today!