About JamieB
Joined November 2008
I live in the Valley of the Sun with my husband and our son. I LOVE a good cup of coffee to get me going in the morning.

I want to begin earning an income online so I don't drink my coffee in the car, on my way to work. I want to drink my coffee on our patio watching the sunrise!

I love the internet and know that its a great opportunity just waiting to happen!
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TJ Books Premium
Hi, Jamie! Welcome to WA. Here you can learn from our TWO Great Friends and from the members. So work the plan and plan your work! John
funjob Premium
Sound like a plan to me! Great pic of the java!
JamieB Premium
I love good coffee ;)
JamieB Premium
Today I've spent some time poking around the WA site. I'm familiar with the idea of IM but could never really grasp enough information to be successful. I'm excited to have found WA! Inside of one day, I've found more information on IM than I have in 5 years! I may be able to pay off these student loans after all ! ;)

I'm really glad to be here!
JamieB Premium
I've learned more in the last couple of days about internet marketing through WA than I have in the 5 years I've been trying to do it! I admit my first thought was to join WA, take a look . . and then leave. It had to be a scam just like the rest, right? I'm so glad I was WRONG! Thanks Kyle and Carson! I'm looking forward to week 2!
StacieT Premium
Welcome - this is a great place to get started and to help you get it all sorted out.
JamieB Premium
Hey Stacie!
Thanks for the encouragement! I think we have a lot in common . . . I do enjoy sitting at a blackjack table, too. I've played Hold'em at home, but not in a casino - things to work toward ;) But mostly I want to replace my income with IM. I think WA is a great place to be.
klrrider Premium
Welcome... I'm a coffee hound!... better get one.
PS. where is the Valley of the Sun?
JamieB Premium
Hey, klrider! The Valley of the Sun is Phoenix . . . and we get a LOT of it! Thanks for stopping by my space.
Have a great day :)