Daily inspiration - Day 13

Last Update: August 03, 2012
This is one that I personally need today, and that is: “You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is time wasted.”
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Hudson Premium
Absolutely agree - the version I have used in my life is as follows: "A moment of happiness lost is lost for ever". Happiness is something to be treasured, and let's face it you can't smile and be unhappy at the same time - try it - it works, our attitude changes if we can find it in ourselves to smile.
Have a great day
Jane Doe Premium
it's true, just smile and all goes away. I heard the other day they say that by smiling constantly for 1 minute every day makes your heart stronger and healthier, I have tried it, and I found that when I've managed to smile for one full minute in the mornings, I tend to have the smile on my face the whole day. Nothing gets me down. it really works.
TJ Books Premium
Generally true I guess. But time in mourning brings relief, unhappiness that drives you to fixing what is not right brings its own rewards, but self-imposednegativity that brings unhappiness is exactly what you said. I thank you. John