Daily inspiration - Day 8

Last Update: July 24, 2012
I just heard this on the radio, and I had to share it with all you very important people in my life who loves a little daily inspiration, and this one is specially fitting for me on this very nice special day.

Do not practice and do something until you can do it, you should keep going at it until you can't do it wrong any more. They say practice makes perfect, but you should practice until you can't do it any other way than perfect.

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mama2karsten Premium
Nice! Thanks...
Deezdz Premium
Great inspiration. Practice does make perfect. If you enjoy the journey, you're well ahead of the game.
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx for your inspirational word too
Hudson Premium
Like this very much. In my corporate life I had to give a lot of presentations at very high (Board) level, and believe it or not I rehearsed them until I was really confident about them to the extent I could do them starght off with out a script - this approach worked many times over. I now recommend this to anyone I see doing this type of thing.
Have a great day
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx Hudson, straight from someone that has experience with lots of practice. Your advice is priceless.
jpnetco Premium
Very well said.
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx a lot, every little bit, even the short and sweet comments inspires me a lot.