In the Beginning where it all started

Last Update: July 12, 2012
Every story has a beginning, and this is my stories beginning. I joined WA in May 2008. I love WA, from the first moment I have loved the WA university, the people and all the training and just everything about it. I will never leave WA.

I have always had the idea to make money from home with my computer online, but I never dived fully into it. I did it like more of a hobby. I never finished any of the big training materials, like the 8 week action plan, or die 30 day success club. As I say this was more of a hobby for me. I did enjoy myself a lot, but I've never made any money. Although I think my site and my articles are a great success.

It all has come to a point where I need this WA thing to work for me and help me make serious money online. A year ago my husband got notice of retrenchment, he has been unemployed ever since. He started his own IT company, but the area we live in is fairly saturated with IT guys around every corner so business is really slow. I still have my job which only brings in 30% of what our income used to be and it is starting to take it's toll on my health. I am generally a very healthy person, but last week I managed to end up in hospital for a whole week and it is a direct result of the stress that I am going through. I am a very strong person, but as my doctor said, every person has his or her limits to what they can handle stress wise. I am very ashamed of that, but let's leave it at that and look forward.

I realize and I know that my saving grace is right here within WA. I have all the necessary help and tools to make money online. I have basically decided this week that I will start everything from scratch and I will first do the 10 DAYS and then right after that I will start the 30 DAY SUCCESS Club from day one and finish it all till the very last day.

I have all the necessary components right here to succeed, and I will succeed within the next month and a half. I will make money online by end August 2012. I will be blogging regularly and keeping you up to date on my progress. I'm so excited I feel like a jumping jack.

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Press in and Press on. No matter what surround yourself with like minded people that have an interest in your future, and also remember that in today's world team work and a strong belief in God and others will lead to your success
dawnmitchell Premium
Hi Jane, I think a lot of us have done what you have done, treated this as a hobby, I have only been around over a year. I have not finished the full training. I am working on finishing it as week speak. To many things out there in this world we let get in our way. But I believe this is a great community and if we dive in there is success. Good luck to you
Jane Doe Premium
Thank you, and good luck and great success to you too.
Hi, my training just kicked off .I have always wondered how to do business from the comfort of my home.I hope this lovely community will help me realize my dreams.I get curious any time i hear of investments.I hope to become a Certified Stock Dealer by the end of this year.I warmly welcome every advice that you think can make me succeed in this quest.I love to share ideas and i am also down to earth.I love to see everybody succeed.
Jane Doe Premium
I will try and help you wherever I can. Good luck to you
So now that you have it in writing... we all will be watching you and holding your feet to the fire!! LOL
Jane Doe Premium
thanx, looking forward too it. thanx for the commitment to keep me committed.
WErRush Premium
Good luck! You know we are all here for you, ask if you need anything. O, and don't break something jumping around like that, and end up back in the hospital. Haha, I hurt my toe when I got so excited once about one of my sites. lol, good luck
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx a lot