Google's Article Submission Site

Last Update: June 06, 2010

Hey Everyone, 

I just wanted to hear some opinions on your experience with the Knol submission site.  I stumbled on it a couple of weeks ago and now submit my spun articles there.

It seems to be a great resource, but I don't see ANY discussion about it around the IM community.  I am probably just behind the curve here, but thought I would share.

It seems to be a dream-come-true submission site.  It is run by Google.  It has a PR of 7.  It allows all links.  Am I missing something?  

The traffic that some of these Knols get is ridiculous.  Just search for SEO basics (which is a great post by itself.)  It has been viewed 104,000 times in 6 months!

If nothing else, it is another tool to get indexed, traffic, and quality back links.  Please let me know of your experience with Knol and whether or not I am cheer leading for the latest site that is a total bust, or whether this was tested and failed 4 years ago!  

If not, go sign up and add to your arsenal, WAers!  Just remember that Google hates spam and obvious promotional content.

Good luck,


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klrrider Premium
Thanks for reminding me... was going to try it and forgot... will give it a try.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Jared, I just learned about it myself. Certainly going to try it. Why not? Old Mizer mentioned it. He's used it. You can ask him what he knows. All the best. Joan