Hitting My Stride

Last Update: February 25, 2010

Nearly two months in for me.  The study, action, failing, repeat strategy is really paying off, haha.  My campaigns are gaining some coherence and focus.  Most important my articles, Blogger landing pages, and US FreeAds are seeming to be relevant to each other.  At last!

Thanks to the Bum Marketing guys posting on here for bringing it all together.  That makes me a bum disciple I guess.

My thinking in the past has been too scattered with different projects: Squidoo, WA promotion, clickbank campaigns, even an independent affiliate.

Now I am focused on one Clickbank product at a time and some WA promo.

I think my final "a-hah" moment came yesterday after I mastered the free Blogger landing page after some struggling.  

Also, I think it is important that I narrowed down the sites I use for articles and bookmarking based on Google Page Rank.

Here are some of the top sites that are discussed here at WA with the best Page Rank, followed by their rank.  (I did these checks on Feb 23, 2010)

EzinArticles-6, ArticlesBase-6, AssociatedContent-6, zimbio-6, UsFreeads-5

twitter-9, digg-9, reddit-8, stumbleupon-8, delicious-8, mister-wong-8

I think I am going to stick to these for a while.

Good Luck everybody!


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