Week 1 at WA

Last Update: January 11, 2010

Hey everybody,

I guess this can be considered my "after my first week at WA" Blog.  I don't know if that is a tradition or not. 

I got to say that I learned more about internet sales, blogging, HTML code, and building a website in my first 6 days than I have learned in my entire life!  I am having a great time knowing that my success is based on the time I am putting into this.  

A huge thanks to Potpiegirl for the excellent tutorials that allowed me to get my first website ever up and running on squidoo.  Don't know if it is appropriate to slang my stuff here, but the first website I've ever made in my life is


(please let me know if this is frowned on here).  If not, let me know how I can make it better.  It's a work in progress. 

Thanks everbody!


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Sach411 Premium
That is very well start buddy. Wish you good luck with your ventures and experiments. Would love to hear about your success and sales.