About Jaykay21089
Joined June 2008
G'day, I'm Johnson, a 19-year-old Science student at The University of Melbourne who has great plans for himself.

Why on earth would a Science student want to learn how to do IM?

Because he has dreams, that's why.

He dreams that he'll be able to get his Dad that Lexus he's always wanted.

He dreams that one day, he can make his Mum beautiful again.

He dreams that he will become a man that his family and his friends can be proud of.

And be it worldly things that can be bought with money or spiritual things that have to be earnt by self-discovery, he'll do whatever it takes to get there.
Jaykay21089's Accomplishments

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iwill Premium
Hi there ,
I see you are looking for a way to make some extra income. Check out the website www.ilearningglobal.biz/iwill. It is a great yet simple way to make some extra income while it teaches you how to be successful in your business and in your personal life. You can%u2019t beat the opportunity. Watch the Intro video by Brian Tracy to learn more about the ILG opportunity. Enjoy your climb to the top! Penny
Clive Byron Premium
Hi Johnson,
I can't believe you're only 18! After our communication the other day I thought you were much older - you're very mature for 18. I really like your Profile, you're a considerate chap whose thoughts extend beyond thinking only of yourself. I wish you nothing but good luck, and I hope we can speak again soon.
All the best, mate
Clive Byron Premium
Hi Johnson,
A slightly belated happy birthday to you. Drums are my first instrument, but I love to play guitar too - especially in an open tuning. NLP is an abbreviaion for Neuro Linguistic Programming, and EFT is short for Emotional Freedom Techniques. There is a lot of information online about both subjects if you would like to know more. For me to tell you about those subjects would take pages!
Clive. PS I grasped what you were telling me in yesterday's communication. Thanks again - that really helped.
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Johnson,
How you doing? Great to hear from you and I'm really thrilled to hear you got your first sale too. What a buzz eh? I'm currently going through the mind numbing process of uploading an article to x number of sites. Although I'm using an auto submitter it isn't really that automated! Hope all is well there in sunny Austrailia, it's bloody freezing here. LOL
jaykay21089 Premium
G'day again Clive,

Yeah well, I'm 19 now, as of Thursday.

I've always thought I was somewhat more mature than other people my age.

IM's really helped me to grow, especially in the areas of patience, goal-setting and multi-tasking.

Having said that, I've still got a long way to go.

I hope success in IM finds you. =)


P.S. What is your background in music? What instrument do you play? Do you mind explaining the terms, "NLP" and "EFT"? I played violin for a while, see, and have a vested interest in music.
jaykay21089 Premium
wow... those sound really interesting. no i'm not saying that just to humor you haha. I think i will have a look at them in my spare time.

i'm glad you grasped what i was talking about. we're gonna be in this for the long run, so feel free to ask me anything whenever.


jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Clive,

I noticed you got your first sale. I saw it on the General Success forum.


The next thing to do now is try and find out how you did it, and just repeat the process.

I also got my first sale as well on Wednesday, 10/22/08. So stoked!

Really happy for you. Here's to us and many more sales to come in the future!

jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Clive,

Yeah, It's currently 1:00 am here, Friday morning and I have university tomorrow. Now I won't be able to sleep.

But I don't care! I'm so stoked! I might've already mentioned that.


jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Clive,
Thanks for your PM.
yeah, I've gotten a few more sales since we celebrated together, for a grand total of 6!
I've even cashed in my first Clickbank cheque, which was a huge thrill.
I'm just steadily working away, creating content for my own SiteRubix site.
IT does get depressing when your clickbank balance goes back to 0, but don't despair!
If you got a sale, you must've did something right at the beginning! You're on the right track!
Just remember to keep doing something everyday, not just being idle.
Best of luck with your projects and hopefully the next post I see where you've made a sale won't be too far away.


cfive Premium
Johnson, focus is key and you seem to have that going for you. Sometimes if I struggle with something quite a bit I have learned through the years to take a short break from it. When I come back, usually the next day, things seems to make more sense. (Just don't excel using this technique, turns into procrastination)

I found something yesterday in the "Learning Center" / Junior resources / Squidoo Optimization / Lens Optimization tab that you should read. In particular read the "forum post 1 and 2". Even if you have read it a few months back i suggest reading it again. Sometimes things don't click in our brain the first time we read.

Good luck with your endeavors! Chris
jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Chris,

Thanks for taking some time out of what it seems like a hectic schedule to offer me some words of guidance. Much appreciated.

I'm getting on OK, just organisational skills aren't that crash hot. I want to succeed in IM so badly. It's something that I hope I can achieve before I start university again in March.

Again, thanks for your support and hope to see you sometime on the WA forum. Best of luck to you too as well.

alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Johnson,

Nice to meet a highly talented youth like you with such nice thoughts and feelings for your parents.

Seeing your WP blog you sure have a method and discipline to achieve your goals and be the next Kyle/Carson.

My best wishes to you for every success and happiness.
alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Johnson,

Thanks for ur msg. Not much success till now, 'cause I didn't do much of WA promotion. However 1 WA sale till now. Shortly I'll insert an opt-in form in my site to build a list and an Adwords campaign should give me some better results. Indeed I'm optimistic of good success with WA. Wishing you again all the very best!
jaykay21089 Premium
Hi Alfred,

Thanks for your kind words. It is good to see someone who does not let their career take control of their life and still remembers to enjoy the simple things like those you take part in such as walking and breathing.

I guess I am somewhat mature for 18, let's just say that I've had a perception shift of my role in the world. I still have a long way to go in terms of success online and at university. I look forward to my first sale sometime soon.

Have you had much experience/success online?

Dennis Premium
You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!. You can do it. Hang in there dude. It took me nine months to get W.A sales. Guess what with persistence you will always win. Keep going. Its very possible, Just strive to take that extra mile. don't be detered, $100,000 needs a business man behind it not a boy. Action, persistence and faith is what makes this business man. As far is i know you are there, Keep on. Good spirit. You can do it.
Have some gold for that.
jaykay21089 Premium
cheers mate,

uni's a bitch and very time consuming.

i know i will succeed with IM. I just wish I had some spare time to do it.

I'm reading Think and Grow Rich now. Will get back to you on how good it is.

Try James Allen's "As A Man Thinketh" Most powerful book I've read all year.

Cheers for the gold. Here's some back.

Best of luck with your business. I will become a man. A business man.

Cheers for the support, have some gold back.
