This is probably the reason why I don't prosper on anything. I am so caught up on things going on at the present that I do not have time to think about my future. I'd like to warn everyone that learning bad hobbies will not make your future any better than it is now. You could get stuck on one place and never try to move again because of all the disturbances and other things that could make you loose focus to what you used to aim to do. Think about what you're gonna be doing in the future.
I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since may 2009. I have been reading most of the tutorial and never really applied anything to benefit myself. Now that so much time has passed and so much money have been spent. I have come to this situation of desperation. I could use all the help i could get specially starting out with nothing. I will from now on use every single tool on this online university and make the most out of it. If you have any idea of how to get me started on something