Posts by Jdonn 3
July 03, 2011
Do you know what SCAREWARE is?  Well, I didn't before last month!  Just in case you don't know, it's when you see a pop-up window on your computer saying that you now have like 10-15 viruses released onto your system.    Oh, and it was done VERY cleverly too!  This malicious scareware somehow attached itself to a Hewlett Packard icon on my  "footer" toolbar.  So, it looked like it was from a pre-installed security program from HP (even though I have
Well, I was just declined as an affiliate by the advertiser for the product I plan to promote.  I'm just about ready to set up my first website.  Was I declined because I don't have an actual website up and running??  How can I put up a website without links??   My application was done through LinkShare, then forwarded to the advertiser.  This is very frustrating!!!!
December 05, 2010 most of lesson 2 completed at the beginning of the week, but spent DAY'S choosing a niche and domain name.   Read all I could, researched all I could and finally said to myself "how much longer are you going to obsess over this?"  So, based on my knowledge at this point (limited) I decided to take ACTION!   I'm trying to figure things out for myself before I "take you up" on all the help that you offered (which I appreciate!)