One Year In...

Last Update: March 26, 2011

Just over a year in - I've gotten a few sales from what I've learned here in the last year.  To be truthful I haven't applied as much as I could have but it's also been a busy year too.  Moving our dog training & dog grooming business, car accident with injuries, etc.  All the typical problems we all have and have an excuse for.

 Things are finally slowing down a bit and am ready to get into things full swing and really start APPLYING what I've learned....I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

 I've made zero sales on an article marketing product I was promoting via a website so that was a little bit of an eye opener, yet disappointing at the same time.  The product I HAVE made sales on I continually get a new sale at about 2-3 per month with a commission of around $25 - unfortunately there are many restrictions from the main company as far as how we're allowed to advertise the product, how we're allowed to link to it, and other things that slow the rate of new customers.

So, in conclusion...this is gonna be my year dang it!!

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Very helpful blog. So glad I stumbled upon it. Hope your year is going well. Cheers, JR.
jatdebeaune Premium
Go for it!