Posts by Jenmuso 8
October 06, 2011
While I've never officially left WA (and why would I?!) This is the first time I've logged in for about 7 weeks. Unfortunately been feeling really sick - nothing serious, just mostly horrible pregnancy symptoms. At least I've logged in today. I'm hoping to get back into some sort of groove with my IM efforts, but I really don't feel very motivated (maybe because I am still struggling physically). Not looking to quit - I do believe THIS is the key to my financial success. Anyhow, any motivational
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September 11, 2011
Just wanted to share some sensational news, I am 13 weeks pregnant!!! My husband and I are both thrilled, especially after the miscarriage earlier this year. Baby is due around the middle of March and it will probably be another boy because we have two beautiful boys and in my husband's family, there has not been a girl born into the family for generations. We will be happy whatever the gender.
August 25, 2011
Yesterday my friend lost her brother Tim, he was 27. He was at work when he suddenly collapsed and died. Even though I met him only a few times, he was a good person, who was loved by many. The thought has continued to recur today that, in this terrible time of utter sadness, his parents, 4 older sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews can at least look back on their times with Tim and know that they loved him well. How many of us could suddenly lose a family member or friend and know that
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Argh! This is where I am at. I am putting in as many quality hours that I can spare - usually from 5am to 7am, Monday through to Friday, plus whatever else I can squeeze in. I know my progress is slow, but its definitely there because I know some stuff about this business, still got a lot to learn but I'm getting there AND I have some stuff out there, bringing in some interest. I also have ideas and a plan of action. In this sense my brain is being my best friend because I am learning, implement
May 31, 2011
Getting a bit frustrated here because I ordered a domain name from 1and1, 3.5 days ago and I still can't access it yet to do anything. I realize that here in Australia we are approx 18 hours ahead of North America and I did order the domain name on a Saturday night (my time). Everyday I can access more with my login, but even still I don't want to wait. I suppose this is part of my journey on the road to sucess. Any thoughts?
May 27, 2011
Finally I'm getting organized!  I've finally seen to getting a photo of myself and my two gorgeous boys , only 5 months late, but as they say, better late than never. More importantly I've got myself a schedule to work at my IM business that is making sure I get some decent hours at the computer with no interuptions - don't let my boys' cheeky grins fool you - they are very demanding (and thats the way I like it too) .
I'm feeling a bit pleased with myself because I've just had my first article with Street Articles approved, even though my personal circumstances are very hard at the moment. Its a step in the right direction. Its also nice to have a few positives when life throws a few curve balls.
January 05, 2011
Well its been 3 weeks since I joined and about 4 weeks since I learnt that there was such a thing as internet marketing! I am very much enjoying my learning - the action plan for beginners is great because its making sense to me and its wonderful that there is tasks to do because it forces me to put some action into my learning. I'm looking forward to learning more and doing more, then learning more and doing more. Even though I've got a long road to travel to be successful and at the moment I h