Finding a "ness"

Last Update: July 18, 2010

What makes a great marketer great?

Well, what makes any great person great?  I think it's got to do with them finding their own "ness."  

[YOUR NAME] + ness is your unique "ness."  

"Success Can Be Copied --- NOT!"

I've listened to a lot of motivational speakers and success coaches over the years.  And if you've ever joined one of those MLMs or network marketing deals, you know they like to say, "Just copy what successful people do."

Well, yes and no.
Yes, copy their thinking habits. But no, do not copy what they do. Watch them; Do they copy each other?  If you watch them in action each successful entrepreneur reached success in a unique way.

Here at WA, I learned a lot from Kyle and Carson, and several different people who seem to be experiencing success online.  And they all do things differently.  Travis has his own Travisness that nobody can copy.  Pot Pie Girl has her own Potpiegirlness that does it for her.  But I'd be willing to bet my debts that I'd fail big time if I tried to do the exact same thing as they do.  

What I think I've learned from listening and reading their messages and tips is not so much what to do or write, but how to think.  They've given valuable tips, too.  But the most enlightening education came from seeing how they put things together; their strategies for getting from point A to Point B.

I hope if I practice the skills I've gained from the "greats" of WA, I will soon find my "ness" - my Jerryness.  I hope you find yours, too.  

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