Offline Thinking, Online Thoughts

Last Update: June 27, 2010

The challenge now is to get things done offline.  My access to the internet is severely limited, and I have to use the time online for my daytime job.  That means that I will have to do online marketing in an hour or two every evening or morning IF there is an opportunity to get online.

Even while I have not been able to log in to WA for a week now, much of my thinking has been on progressing in online business.  

I also find myself thinking of possible keywords and possible domain names to go with whatever niche I'm considering.

Marketing has become less an obsession for making money, and more an obsession for understanding people and connecting with them and delivering what they want.  

As my expertise is in Education, and my current thoughts - or stream of thoughts - center around achievement and improving the way we encourage achievement and knowledge, I find more and more that there is a connection between marketing and every other human effort.  

In Science as well as Business, the key to success is knowledge, and how to obtain it.  In all endeavors there are goals and objectives to focus on.  There are also ways to communicate messages to inform or to persuade.  

I am also aware as I teach that expertise comes from practice - lots of practice, to where the things you need to do to become successful become habit. 

I have to try harder to get here everyday and record thoughts on marketing.

I want to focus on one project and write about it beginning tomorrow.



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Jamie Smith Premium
Yes, get yourself a small recording device plus also have a pen¬epad around you at all times. You will constantly be thinking of ideas throughout your day. Even with your limited time online, you will have great ideas already documented to help maximize your time online.