Starting to roll.

Last Update: August 30, 2011

Well I have been working through the 30 day action plan. The first several days I was so lost just figuring out where everything was in the forum and how it all worked. I finished day 3 yesterday and am beginning day 4. I had some issues with getting my blog to show up when it was published, but discovered that it needed an update and all is working better now. There is so much I am uncertain of, but I plan to keep moving forward and hopefully success will follow soon.  

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muskyblood Premium
WTG! Keep it rolling now!
Labman_1 Premium
Keep up the good work!
terrica03 Premium
Way to Go Jewlels I just finished as well. Keep up the good work.
Jewels Premium
Thanks for the links. I believe those wil be very helpful. Although it has probably done me a lot of good to keep going back through the previous days each time, to make sure I do not miss anything. There is so much information and so much to do. Thanks again for the help.
magistudio Premium
Glad to hear things are starting to fall in place. I made a post with links to all the forum threads for the 30 day action plan ==>.