About Jhiggins
Joined August 2008
My name is Jonathan. I'm really trying to crack this internet marketing nut. I've been at for 18 months now, but have had little success. Luckily, a few Adsense sites I made a year back bring in around $5 to $10 a day and helps pay for things like my WA subscription. I'm really hoping I can make even as little as $100 a day. I would call that a huge success.

I hope I can get there.

Something of note: I lived in China for 8 years and I can speak some decent Mandarin.

Also, I have a Chinese import sourcing company. I help clients in the states import funeral caskets from China. I have a business partner in China. Our service is to provide inspections for our clients. We inspect their casket orders and require the factory to remedy any quality issues before the caskets ship.

This provides a decent stream of income but not enough to quit my day job.

I just recently started another company that will wholesale caskets to funeral homes. My container of caskets is no on the way from China. We'll soon see how this goes. I don't want to sell caskets my whole life, so I'm really hoping I can build an income stream online.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jhiggins Premium
We all want to earn money. I will not look at you as a sister, but as a business colleague. Good luck!
Merlingeek Premium
Ni hao Jonathan! I guess my english is not quite fluently as your mandarin , haha, I from china and suck at IM but still have my big ambition to achieve 1K usd/day.Let's keep learning and digging.
Jhiggins Premium

Good luck to all of us. I hope we all can get $1000/day