About Jimfurr
Joined April 2008
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jimfurr Premium
Hi Everybody!

Glad to be here. :)

I hope we can make some money together
and that I can make new friends here too!

I have been online and in Marketing for a long time now,
I was into a program for about 1 1/2 yrs that
I put a lot of effort into and it fizzled!

So, I have bounced back with even more
determination to make this happen!

See ya soon,

Jim Furr >
jimfurr Premium
Welshy, I just saw your other post!

I do remember you but only a little.
Way too much to keep up with on EMI.

EMI/Dave was a real nightmare
but that is behind me now!

Hope to talk more, soon!

Jim >
jimfurr Premium
Hi Joey66 and Katya!!

Thanks for the posts!

Article marketing is probably the Best way to get free traffic, build your list
and make money. Articles will keep on working for you year after year!

But there is also, Web2.0 and many other free ways!

Jim >
silverlotus Premium
Hi jimfurr, Welcome to WA. You look alot like one of my uncles. Good luck with WA.

CSmith1 Premium
Hi Jim,
Nice to see you in here, not sure if you remember me but I was a member of EMI, I joined here shortly before leaving there. You timed it nicely as WA is having a price increase on May 6th.

CSmith1 Premium
In regards to your questions, I've been in profit since my second month here, I'm not making enough to do this full time :( , but I'm sure it's just a matter of time, I just need to get over this hump I seem to be stuck on.

My #1 problem is a jump from idea to idea and because I only have so much time to work on my IM related stuff I forget to complete my tasks. Plus I like to take a break and help other people if I can or at least give them my opinion.

It's a shame EMI didn't work out because it was a good idea and I'm sure you put a lot of extra work and time into it to help Dave out, anyway Dave lost my respect when he sold PLR to the CB Messages, probably because it was so soon after he released set#3.

jimfurr Premium
Hi Welshy,

Great to meet you.

Hope you are enjoying your new location in Canada.

Stone Masonry is a hard business and unless you hire others,
you will be liited in how long you will want to do that work!

An Online business is the perfect solution :)

So, you have been at WA for 1 year?
Are you doing well yet? Making enough
money to do online full-time?

Sorry if you feel those are personal questions,
no need to answer, I am very curious about
WA and if I can make money with it.


Jim >
jimfurr Premium
Hi Again,

Right now I am working two different programs
and I will have to pick one soon.

Wealthy affiliate is kool and offers a lot of information
however, I am looking more into social networking
and Jack Humphrey's site Social Power Linking
is pulling me in that direction.

I know I will want to get back into WA again sometime -
Of course at a higher price!

One of my goals is to do Bum Marketing and that
is big here at WA, so still have not decided.
In fact, it was Travis Sago, the one who
started the Bum Marketing rage,
who pointed me here!

Anyway, if you don't see ma around in a few days,
I am at the Social Power Linking site.


Jim >