Business is *BOOMING*

Last Update: November 03, 2010

Hi guys,


I just wanted to drop by and let you know how things are going. Well, I’m happy to say that some of my sites are starting to really get some BIG results. My best performing site made around $750 last month which is a real break through. I still have quite a few other sites and web2.0 pages dripping in sales between $20 per month and $150 per month so my income is growing steadily every month.


I think that’s something that everybody should be aiming for - growth. Some months it’s been close and it’s looked like I might not quite make another record month, then at the last minuet a $20 sale pops in and saves the day, just pushing me over last months total by a few dollars. But, man that is EVERYTHING to me. Just to know every single month this year has brought growth for my business.


Last month was a biggie and my income jumped around $300 on the month before – gotta love that! I actually put that down to a happy little mistake. You see, I had my aweber account closed because I tried this service: I had no idea it broke the TOS of aweber. Anyway, as soon as I took the opt in away from the page my sales have really jumped. From now on I’m going to always go one way or the other – sell the product OR the opt in. Not both.


I have also started to delve into the interesting world of adsense which has made around $40 this month – good start but still along way to go. I’m hoping to have an income stream of flippable adsense sites running within the next few months as people seem to be gobbling them up on and spending some crazy money too. Check out this example that our very own potpie girl sold:


Pretty basic site huh? Now check out how much it was sold for:


Not bad hey? I’ll keep you posted on how things go there.  


Anyways, that’s all for now.


Pick good products, drive tons of traffic and watch those sales roll in - Large it!     


Jimmy Wrex      

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jimmywrex Premium
Thanks for the comments guys! When I first joined WA I spent ages on the WA success area of the forum. It helps you believe that it can be done. Just keep pushing forward and success will be yours
mr.billee Premium
hi buddy we all like 2-here those words business is BOOMING! it gets our juices flowing !-bill
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Jimmy. I see the advantages of multiple mini-niches that are well optimized. I've been taking another approach so far. This is a great way to go though. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
andys43us Premium
awesome work Jimmy. You are right, growth is everything. Cheers!
famousplumber Premium
Good goin'! Steady growth is cool. Thanks for the share. Keeps me stoked.