Unusual but EFFECTIVE Traffic Strategy

Last Update: August 02, 2011

Hey guys,

Check this out: Ebook Syndication for Massive Traffic – When, Why, How?

I've put together everything you need to start pulling traffic from ebook syndication. NOW is definitely a great time to start on this as you'll see in the article. 

I would *LOVE* to know what results you get when you try this. I will of course share my own results too. 


 Jimmy :)

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jimmywrex Premium
Thanks for checking it out. Glad you liked that video. Seems to catch the eye quite well.
dataplextech Premium
Oops, the link is working now.
dataplextech Premium
I think your link isn't working; but I got to the article on the home page. I love the intro video - way cool.
jimmywrex Premium
Haha! Classic. Speaking of which I saw your name on the SeNuke website the other day I'm sure.
Pobman Premium
A long time ago I wrote an ebook guide to Xrumer, which was given away free. This was back when nobody had a clue how to use the program... then one day Symantec wrote a blog post about my ebook, about how it was a spammer handbook etc... but crazy dudes left a live link to the ebook in their post... well.. what can I say... thanks Symantec, you got that ebook out to a lot of people and made me a packet in referals :)