Linkvana on Steroids!!!!

Last Update: November 06, 2010

Hi guys,

haha - sorry about the lame cliche title! I also posted this in MRP but I'm so impressed I want to make sure you all check it out!!

I have something pretty awsome to share today :D . If you've been on WA a while you might have been following the success of one of our very WAers called Vince AKA. WatchDog. His success thread is one of many that have inspired me to go on to create my own success.

So, when Vince said he was creating his own backlinking service I was VERY interested to say the least. If you've ever used Linkvana you will know it's a very powerful (& very expensive) way of getting relevant content backlinks from aged, high PR blogs. I've used it with great success in the past BUT in the end I decided the negatives out weighed the positives and I cancelled my subscription.

The problems with Linkvana:

1) :cry: Far too limited. You can only submit between 2-5 blog posts per day, per domain. This means that if you are trying to rank multiple pages on a BIG site then you are in BIG trouble. With only 2-5 blog posts going out every day pointing back to your site it can take months of painstaking monotonous work to rank for the really big keywords.

2) :roll: Indexing. Linkvana never reveal to you where your posts and links are being posted within their blog network. This means you can't ping, RSS and bookmark the links. You MUST always do this (boring as it may sound) because backlinks to your backlinks creates a naturally looking linking network and Google LOVES this - tried and tested!

3) :shock: Price - $149 per month. That is FAR too much money for something that is so limited.

So don't get me wrong, Linkvana REALLY WORKS but with so many faults I finally came to realise it was not a long term backlinking solution for me. Since then I've dabbled with it all - SeNUKE, Bookmarking Demon, Magic Article Submitter, Notorious Blog Poster, Xrumer - you name it I've tried it. I won't lie to you, I'm a lazy guy at heart and if I can find a service that will do the boring work for me I'll try it.

BUT . . .

With so many updates and changes in Google I'm definitely favouring anything that looks natural, relies on high PR, non spammy links. I'm want my sites to be ranking years from now as I'm sure you do too.

So get ready for:

====>===> LINKAMOTION <===<====

Vince (AKA. WatchDog) has taken everything he (& I) loved about Linkvanas high PR, non spammy backlinking service and has addressed ALL of the things that sucked!

1) :) Linkamotion is not limited at all. You can submit as many links to as many domains as you like so you will see you sites and articles take a massive jump in the SERPS in a very short time. Plus you can try to rank multiple pages on your site at once - impossible with Linkvana.

2) :D Indexing. Linkamotion does not reveal their blogs to you (to protect the network) but they do bookmark and burn the RSS of all of your links. This get's them indexed quickly and creates the magical backlinks to backlinks network that I promise you makes a huge difference.

3) :mrgreen: Price - a measly $47 per month . . .


Now, it's still early days for for me using the service as it's brand new but I am already seeing some awsome jumps in the SERPS and I promise you will too if you just give it a try. To get the best results I would recommend you structure your backlinks like this.

1. 70% of links are anchor text to the keyword you are actually trying to rank

2. 20% of links are anchor text to your secondary keyword picked from the Google wonder wheel

3. 10% of links are anchor text to your 3rd keyword - again picked from the Google wonder wheel

Just pick supporting keywords that seem to fit well in your opinion and don't stress too much over it. Just start pumping them out as quickly as possible and you will see results. I don't claim to be an SEO expert but I promise you this is working very very well for me.

===> Get the party started here right now <===

Thanks for reading and happy linking,

Jimmy Wrex :D

Linkvana is dead, long live Linkamotion

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