About Jimmywrex
Joined May 2009

Have you seen Zoolander? Well here is my best blue steel look.

Jimmy here from Notting Hill, London. I'm all about music, DJing and traveling. Oh yeah, and IM of course!

I got into IM after starting a music website in 2008. I've since dropped that and moved into a few different health niches as well as doing some local biz marketing.

AND . . . I'm proud to say that . . .

I've quit my day job and I am now a full time Internet Marketer!!!

My buddy Pete and I now do internet marketing experiments over at:


so feel free to hop over there and check us out.

If you are doing things using SEO then my best advice is to be patient. It takes time for Google to love your sites but if you produce good content, keep building the site and send tons and tons of quality backlinks you will
eventually win over the Big G - he's not so bad in the end.

Thanks WA and the awsome people I have met here!

Dream BIG.


P.S. Be my friend here:
Jimmywrex's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
sisabela Premium
Hi ... its nice to see another IMer from London....welcome
sisabela Premium
Hi... I started about a month ago. I had a nice step by step program. In a week, my squidoos and articles went on first page of Google.
I`m a number person ...it%u2019s very hard for me cu work with words. On top of that I don%u2019t know anything about marketing. That is why I am here.
I find IM ....a little addictive.... and challenging. I can%u2019t wait to make my first sale.
Oh ... your website is very cute and friends love that music...well done
sisabela Premium
At least you`ve made a sale ...good for you. I haven%u2019t touched adsense yet.
I have the same problem. I don%u2019t know how to drive traffic. That is why I came here.
On top of that I have no marketing skills. People like my articles but only around 10% click outs.
So tell me ... how did you find out about WA?
jimmywrex Premium

Thanks for the msg. Yeh I've been trying to make money in IM for a few months now but never quite managed to make any decent profits. I've learned more in the last week in WA than in the last 3 months trawling the net I reckon.

Hope you're enjoying it too!
jimmywrex Premium
Hi again,
Yeh I did everything backwards really. Made a website before I had a concept or a market thought out. Didn't understand traffic or how to drive it. It has been a great experience though and now I'm finally learning the basics! Have made a few sales and bits from adsense but barely breaking even most of the time. All that is about to change now though I'm sure!!
jimmywrex Premium
I was introduced by kpfingaz who I'm sure you'll see on here as he's been doing this a while. I wrote a negative comment on one of his articles completely by mistake (just had too many windows open and was watching TV probably). I sent him a massage to explain and to ask him to remove it so I could write something positive and we got to talking and he explained the way WA operates and what the benefits are. Funny how life works out sometimes! How about you?
BusinessSavvy Premium
Hey jimmiwrex, welcome to Wealthy Affiliate. You will find a ton of resources here to help you in just about endeavor.
jimmywrex Premium
Thanks for the msg, looks like a great resource so far!
danomatic Premium
Let's get this money!
jimmywrex Premium
Daniel Son, Good to see you on here!
Steven.P Premium
hi jimmywrex welcome to wealthy affiliate
jimmywrex Premium
Thanks for the message, looking forward to getting to know everyone on here and building up a business. Take it easy.
kpfingaz Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate bro.
kpfingaz Premium
Jimmy, hows it going man. I heard you got your first sale. Congrats!
jimmywrex Premium
Thanks again for the hook-up and for the ebook you sent over. Loving the site so far!
jimmywrex Premium
Hey Jay,

I'm good man. How's you? I've had quite a few sales now, just waiting for my first clickbank cheque to arrive. All bummarketing. I'll switch to direct payment after that but I just wanna take a photo of the cheque first. I've had a few WA referrals too so WA pays for itself now - love it! I've been dabbling in PPC but no sales as yet - think PPC maybe a bit more challenging than article marketing.

Hope all's good with you. Looks like your WA sales are going well!!