The Training Center Fiasco-Advice for the Newbies

Last Update: April 28, 2010

I've been here for a few months and  can say I have learned so much, not just from the training center, but also from the wonderful people here.  I haven't written anything in this blog because I have been self-absorbed in my learning.  If you want to know what I felt like when I first started, refer to my blog post entitled "My First Day."

Something I see all the time in the forums is how people are totally confused with the training information.  I was to.  But there is a common mistake that many people make and I would like to offer a solution.

So upon first arrival, the information throughout Wealthy Affiliate is overwhelming.  I could understand the "rinse and repeat" method for affiliate marketing, because I have always been that type of person.  I will learn something and then do it over and over again, trying to get better at it.  You should do this same thing with the training material!  Here is how I made sense of the WA training material:

  1. I read through a lesson initially.
  2. I re-read and made notes in a notebook, about each lesson.  That way in the future, I'm not having to go back through the training to find one piece of information.
  3. I did the lesson again, except this time, I followed along by actually doing what I was supposed to be doing for that lesson.  If it was creating a Squidoo lens with Potpiegirl, I did each step on my Squidoo lens as I went through the lesson with her.

This is a good time to point out the difference between reading and studying.  I think to many times people just "read" the information, don't study it, nor put into into practice.   I see posts everywhere on WA about how hard the training material is to figure out.  Use "rinse and repeat" on the training material and it will make sense in no time.  That's what I had to do, and if you are willing, then it will work for you.

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Fallulah Premium
I think this is such a good point. I've been fiddling with IM about a year now and it's taken me this long to realise that this is pretty much how I learn best [lol]. I also think that it's probably easier if we can accept that there just is going to be a bit of overwhelm - kind of you can't decide what sounds like a good meal if you don't get a feel for the variety on the menu [lol]. Though I truly know how frustrating it can be specially if you need money ... and maybe your partner or the bank's breathing down your neck! I think jatdebeaune's post is really great advice too.
Old Mizer Premium
It's a little discouraging. I've been here a few days now and I find it very overwhelming. My first mistake was spending the whole day here on my first day. Shampoo, rinse and repeat? LOL! I never got to the first rinse.

I did get a feel for some team players that are in the group. As for some of the other info coming my way, ...I feel I'm being used.

It's kind of like there are these bunch of scholars standing by the dorm. Who have this little quiet snicker as they see a new herd of sheep coming in.

Let's send them THIS and THAT with hotlinks sprinkled around in it for things they are an affiliate with already. I don't appreciate it and I think it speaks low of their character.

Just the same, there are others out there who's intentions are sincere. PotPieGirl gets a big thumbs up from me. I hope to add more to that list soon.

For those trying to give the impression of helping and really just there to sell, your postage.
babyboomer20 Premium
Thanks for sharing, this is valuable advise and would definitely give newbies a guide to follow. I wholeheartedly agree with the repetition approach!
blakeshill Premium
Hi J mc Gee, sounds like good advice, I just joined a week ago, I find it very hard to find the pages when I log off, I very new to this, and a bit old, but I gave up so many times before, I decided to try and stick at this, I find their is Info coming from everywhere, and asking you to join this and join that, I would prefer to get to know the business, them I know what I am talking about, I think their is nothing worse than trying to sell some thing to some one if you don't know what you are talking about, so I hope I can get the hang of things, Regards Donal Joyce
jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent advice. I did the same. You learn through repetition. Every time you read the training material, you learn something new. That's most likely because the first go round, you can't absorb all of it. I would keep a file on all the tools, software you think you will use, both from WA and elsewhere. The Forum is full of important references. Keep this file separate from your study notes. Make a notation of what each tool is for. This way, you have an easy method of finding what you are looking for.