Started a Squidoo Lens Today

Last Update: June 11, 2010

I created my first Squidoo lens today using PotPieGirl's tutorial.  It's quite basic, but I figured I shouls get some content on the internet as I work through the Action Plan:

I have quite a bit to learn about the little nuances of different affiliate systems, like how important is having a proper domain when signing up for Amazon affiliate program.

I had originally thought that this first lens would be a "learning how to navigate Squidoo" page for me, but after creating my lens I checked out the Squidoo Top 100, and man, there's quite a bit of effort and detail put into those lenses.  Which was great, because it gave a lot of motivation to build upon the lens I just created into a larger campaign!

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maureenhannan Premium
I think your lens looks very straightforward and down-to-business. Covers several bases and leverages the product keyword. I'm pretty new to lens-building myself, but I wanted to give what feedback I could. I like the way you use your Amazon affiliate link for the "read more reviews." Nice touch. So what DO you know about the importance of having a proper domain when signing up for Amazon? Hope that's not too ignorant a question, but I actually didn't know the domain you sign up with mattered all that much.