About Joespro
Joined December 2009
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and really excited about getting started in affiliate marketing. I live in South Jersey near Philadelphia and currently support myself on two part-time jobs working about 50 hours a week. I don't mind my jobs but would definitely prefer something offering a little more freedom of time and place. I also began investing in real estate and bought my first property this year. My life is about work and money and very little else these days. I feel alot more comfortable saying that here then I do on facebook or online dating sites (lol).

My big goal is to quit at least one of my jobs in six months and both within a year. Think that's too ambitious? Tell me, because in all honesty I don't know enough yet to determine what is and isn't a realistic goal. Before you judge my goal as unrealistic, do know this: I am extremely frugal and my monthly expenses come to less then a $1000 every month.

That being said, I still have know idea what I'm doing and can use all the advice I can possibly get. Thanks for reading. Ciao!
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PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome. I am new as well. Been here 2 months and I am still learning and doing. Great stuff here.
Maz Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate! Some people make money very quickly, for others it takes longer.Learn at your own pace, take action and never give up, then you are sure to succeed.
amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I wish you well in your endeavors, and in the upcoming holidays and new year. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance if needed. Brian from Oregon. :D
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome to WA!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !
You're not too amitious. And it all depends on you, your ability to learn and to take action based on what you learn.
My advice : first go to the training center -> training homepage and read the resources such as the "newbie jump start" and other ones. It'll help you. Go to the forum too, there are great posts for newbies (forum -> general marketing discussion -> all the sticky posts (with the light bulb item before them).
I understand that you don't feel like saying your life is about work and money on other sites because people won't understand it probably. Here we're honestly all here to make money, a lot !! But the real question to ask is for what ?? Freedom, more time and place as you say and other personnal goals we want to achieve and share with our loved ones.

Feel free to PM me if you need. Good luck ! :)