About Johnjackson
Joined February 2010
Hello WA community,
I am John Jackson from Georgia. Just joined last Tuesday, Feb. 23. I am totally new to IM, but have had a desire for quite some time to get involved in something on the internet that looked realistic, with a no-nonsense approach to make some money at. This caught my attention, and it seems to be on the up and up. There seems to be some integrity attached to it, and that is appealing to me.
I am a Southern Baptist pastor, public school music teacher, and enjoy doing design build landscaping/consulting whenever I have a spare moment. If this sounds like the "tail wagging the dog," you are exactly right. For quite some time now, I have had a "burning" desire to let some of the above go, excluding being a pastor, so that I can spend more time with my family and become more involved in missions and helping others.
I may not be able to move with this as fast as many because of all of the obligations at the moment, but, my plans are to stay focused, and put the effort into it, make time for it as much as possible, give the system a chance to work, and hopefully receive as much help and advice from you veterans that you are willing to give to this "greenhorn" in IM. I realize that it will take some work, but after all, "success only comes before work" in the dictionary.
I welcome your comments and look forward to making some new friends in WA.
God bless,
Johnjackson's Accomplishments

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thnkbig5 Premium
Hi John,
We are all in this together.
babyboomer20 Premium
Just popped in to say Hi John, my new friend & brother in Christ and offer you my Congratulations on taking a step to "Owning Your Life". Ultimate Success Starts with Your BELIEF that, You DESERVE Success in Your life! I already know you do. :-)

Wishing You a Life Most people only Dream of..
DanielAB Premium
Hi John!

Thanks for the message. I am glad to know more musicians. I would love to do missionary work in other countries also. I can't remember who said this but it goes something like this: The largest mission field is right in our own backyard (city)!. I think that is SO true. there is so much was can get involved with in our community, neighborhood, city, state, country, etc.

As you might have read in my intro page I am building my Malaleuca business right now. I just got started a couple of weeks ago and sort of doing in an unorthodox manner-completely through Internet Marketing.

If you are interested: FREE No-Pressure Webscast or Telephone presentations are offered daily and hourly to learn about Malaleuca. It is NOT MLM I promise. :-) It is solid like WA or I wouldn't bother you with it. The last one in WINS! You can join my business contact list at www.workathomeunited.com/4me if you are interested in learning more (of course your contact info is safe!). YOU COULD BE THE NEXT MALALEUCA MILLIONAIRE!

What I like about WA and IM so far is that we can use the techniques we learn HERE for ANY business...not just affiliate marketing.

I look forward to learning more about you, your goals, and dreams as we work together to build a successful home business.

In J.C.,
Net Prospector Premium
Hi John. Fellow Georgian here. I'm new here as well & learning as fast as I can.
johnjackson Premium
Hi, John Jackson here from Georgia. Just joined on the 23rd, and I am looking for some buddies to grow with and to learn from. Totally new to IM, but I am excited about the possibilities that it seems to offer. Look forward to hearing from you.
God bless,