The WA Edge (or My Adventures in Digitalland)

Last Update: June 20, 2012
After dabbling in Internet Marketing over the past 15 years I think I’ve finally found a truly honest company and system that is knowledge based and that anybody can learn to do. Hence WA Edge (the blog) was born and I plan to share a lot of highlights related to content on The Wealthy Affiliate website, hoping to spark your interest in what goes on there.

I actually visited their site 6 months ago and it looked interesting but I actually didn’t sign up until a few days ago. I signed up for their free 10 day access trial run. Shortly after that I went out on the Chat box to see what people were talking about and then I entered into the discussion and was suprised to see the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, participating and contributing needed information on the spot. That impressed me a lot. So I signed up as a full fledged member.

My first task was to build a website. As an artist I thought it might be good to have a site about selling high quality art at reasonable prices for today’s economy. So I thought I’d try “100 Dollar Art” as a keyword phrase and website title. I went out to and did a search using 100 Dollar Art, but the domain was already taken – so I tried 100 Dollar Paintings and “Bingo”, it was available. I bought it for $4.98 (for a 1 year period). I followed a step by step procedure setting up my Word Press site and got a basic page done in one evening. Two evenings later I went out on Google and did a search with my keywords and to my surprise my site was on page 1 (with 97,000,000 results). Was it surprise or just plain “shock”. I remember having to pay Google $30 a month on Adwords to get that kind of results for my “Drawing Per Day” blog. (to be continued.....)

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jonart Premium
More surprising news - My art site just hit #1 on page 1 of Google using my keywords "100 dollar paintings". This really works :)
Carson Premium
jpnetco Premium
Great Start and welcome aboard John. I like the idea of using (to be continued.....) at the end of your posts, you seem to have a very cordial and easygoing style of writing, very pleasant to read and inviting. I'm following you now because I'm excited to watch your progress and to learn from you as well. I've visited your WPblog as well, another fine start, congratulations on moving ahead with that. I'm thinking of putting "See you in H.....(to be continued.....) on my tombstone, just to see how many followers I get.
Again, Welcome!
Carson Premium
jonart Premium
Thanks Carson: Appreciate your taking the time to check it out. I actually did the blog on WP today ( and then brought the post over to WA. So now I have two WA Edge blogs. I don't know if that's a good plan or not, but I'd like to keep it going if possible. Learning something every day :)
Carson Premium
jonart Premium
Thanks for the SEO "duplicate" advice, Carson. I just went out and changed the WA Edge posting about 18%. Do you think that's enough?
Labman_1 Premium
Hi jon, I checked out the WAEdge, I love that you are using my favorite free Theme (Weaver ii). I've found it to be hugely versatile and has filled the needs that I have so far. I'm looking forward to testing the limits of this Theme in the future. I may even ante up for the Pro version eventually.
Congrats on your High ranking. Its great when something works like it supposed to . Keep up the good work