About Jordanmcclements
Joined September 2008
Jordanmcclements's Accomplishments

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Hedda Premium
Welcome and good luck to you!
I second that sentiment!

(I am picturing Mel Gibson in Beaveheart now.. "FREEDOM!!!")
gueorgui Premium
hello and welcome to wealthy affiliate. Many blessings!
Thanks both..
hcloward Premium
That picture of you is super cool! I see we joined around the same time. Any successes?
hcloward Premium
Your link did not work, but that is awesome you already knew a lot about google. Love photoshop btw!
Thanks for the comment on the picture.

I did spend 15 mins mucking about with it in Paint Shop pro...

Regards new successes so far - Zero, but I have not put a huge amount of effort in yet.

But I have got a few new ideas which may work out over the long term..

Before I joined I already made money form Adsense, and am a qualified google advertising professional, d=so have *Some* experience online but just not in affiliate marketing..

See http://money-from-photos.blogspot.com/ for more info.
