About Josephthl
Joined May 2010
I am a Vancouver resident, who recently completed a degree in Interdisciplinary Arts from the University of British Columbia. Post-graduation I have turned to the online world for most of my work endeavors.

I am an online communications specialist for organizations in the sustainability sector. I write articles, put together news pieces, compile press releases, and work on developing the most effective communications strategies for my clients. I would highly recommend freelance work for anyone still struggling to make money from their affiliate sites.

In addition, I am also an affiliate marketer with a few successful sites under my belt. I mostly promote Amazon products, though I have recently turned my attention to a few CPA networks.

The most important thing I would recommend to any aspiring affiliate marketers, is to promote products you are both passionate and knowledgeable about. Not only will this passion seep into your writing, you will have more fun with your campaigns, which will ultimately make you more productive!
Josephthl's Goals 3
Money Goals
6029 - This is a dummy comment inserted by script.

Q1: Initially, I would be happy earning $1,000-$13,000 monthly.
Q2: I would be ecstatic earning $25,000-$30,000 monthly.
Q3: It might be 12 hrs or the more.
Money I would be happy earning
Money I would be ecstatic earning
Time I'm willing to invest to achieve my goals
Goal created on
Dec 14, 2016
Comment on Josephthl's Main Goals
Recent messages
josephthl Premium
6029 - This is a dummy comment inserted by script.

Q1: Initially, I would be happy earning $1,000-$13,000 monthly.
Q2: I would be ecstatic earning $25,000-$30,000 monthly.
Q3: It might be 12 hrs or the more.
josephthl Premium
1 - This is a dummy reply to dummy comment inserted by script.

Success starts with goals and you're that much closer to achieving them now!
Josephthl's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
josephthl Premium
Thanks for the welcome message. I'm certainly looking forward to getting started on WA!
babyboomer20 Premium
Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here. Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Your welcome and it was certainly my pleasure to do so. Thanks so much for your reply and accepting my friendship, please feel free to stop by any time. I hope your off to an amazing start! Be Blessed Marty : )
josephthl Premium
Thanks very much for the warm welcome! I'm certainly looking forward to getting started on WA.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your tour, very cool!! Please send over links to your music and social media, so we can get that stuff linked up also. I always enjoy hearing new music. I sent you some WA Gold.
josephthl Premium
Hi Jamie and thanks for the welcome! I'm a musician myself, having toured the country with my band last summer (which was awesome!) Looking forward to getting started on WA.
ScottyD Premium
Hi & Welcome aboard to WA ! need buddy's just ask.
josephthl Premium
Hi Scotty and thanks for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to getting started with WA.
twitow Premium
Welcome to WA.
twitow Premium
any time my friend. Good luck.
josephthl Premium
Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to getting started with WA.