About Judi
Joined August 2007
I am from the sunny island of Trinidad and Tobago. My dad came all the way from Canton City China when he was 14 years old fleeing from the war between Japan and China. He met and fell in love with my mom who had Venezuelan heritage...so basically I guess you can say I am a Latino Chino....lol!! I am happily married to my husband who is a Carib Spanish...so I guess you can say our children are a great blend and diffusion or potpourri of culture. Or as they say here in Trinidad...they are a callaloo - Callaloo being a soup of all mixed up...it may not look so appetizing but I can assure you it is very tasty!!

Our country is made up of all different races and religion...A couple years ago...Nelson Mandela dubbed us "the Rainbow Country". If you are a cricket fan we are the home of Brian Lara. If you are a football fan, we are the home of Soca Warriors. We are also known for beautiful ladies as we can boast of having two Miss Universe and one Miss World...

Marketing is actually my passion and profession. But internet marketing is fairly new to me although i have tried many times with not much success. So I am happy to be here to make my dreams come through for my boys 7 and 11 years. I love swimming, reading, writing. My dream is to become a successful internet marketer and help other people to have better lives
Feel free to drop by and say hello!
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dappa_dan Premium
Hi Judi,
Thanks for dropping by. Its nice to see more and more Caribbean faces in WA. Your proposal seems very interesting. I hope its something we can do one day. All the best.
glowinggal Premium
best of luck to you!!!
glowinggal Premium
btw our children are close in age =] I have 2 girls - 7 and 12
Judi Premium
You have the right attitude and I just know you will be successful in life...You Go Girl!!
Jade919 Premium
Hi Judi:
My name is Jade and I am brand new at all of this. I have no idea where to start, really. So I am in week 1. However, I have made a real commitment to learn fast and make this a "portable profession." My husband and I want to travel and make investments. He is an architect. We live in Denver, Colorado. I am a school principal but leaving that profession after 35 years, ready for totally new adventures. I have traveled most of the world, except Australia. I have done consulting work in education, and now want to learn marketing. I look forward to my new venture. Jade
Jade919 Premium
Dear Katya, Judi and Kiwiboy:
Thank you all three for writing to me and encouraging our work. I am looking forward to having continued conversations with you, and joining your buddy talk. Please also notice that I have added my son, Marcos, as my partner, We are both bilingual in English and Spanish. I am still figuring out how to answer your individual postings to me. Please advise how to answer each of you individually. Jade (and Marcos too).
Jade919 Premium
Hi JudI:

I just looked over our first correspondence and you mentioned having a tutor. You are right; this WA is overwhelming for its amount of information. I am really getting confused and still don't have a clear idea about where to start. So, I have going over it with my son. I also have my first buddy, who actually brought me into WA, and he is acting like my tutor in some ways, since he has been a member for a while but is just getting his first campaign together. He actually wants to do the 8 week course with me again. He calls once a week, and that is a good "acounting" system in terms of staying on track.

I am a Montessori teacher trainer and school principal. I just left my position with the idea of doing my own business and consulting againk which I used to do some 15 years ago very succesfully. So I might just focus on marketing my own services. I travelled all over the world then, and stopped because I had become an absentee mom, wife and business owner to my schools (I had three, plus the training proram), which was not only burning me out, but have a deliterious affect on my businesses. So I stopped. Other things also occurred. Anyway, the long and short of it is that I will get back into consulting for private and public Montessori schools, but I am really committed to creating is online marketing business as well. Since I have seen I have a huge learning curve, I decided I could not afford to wait until I knew enough to start making money to replace my principal's salary. Hence the need to consult again. But my focus really is meant to be the marketing, while the consulting will bring in cash flow (I hope!).

Marcos and I are partners: I can write well and he dos web pages and does them really well. They are not really the websites that we will probably have to master for WA marketing; his are for companies and have hundereds of pages and really snappy home pages to get people interested--like for schools, architecural firms, etc. WE hope our combined skills will result in a real business, and one we can actually do as a partnership even though I live in Denver, Colorado in USA and he lives in southern Spain.

Don't laugh, but have a dream, more like a determination, to be a millionaire within three to five years. I don't want the money for me so much, although that would be fun to not have to worry, but to promote other projects and nonprofit organizations, including setting up a foundation. So, while a millionaire sounds like a lot, for what I want it for--i.e. GIVING IT AWAY, it is not much at all. And I am too old to be a Bill Gates, so I am counting on getting smart with WA and making money that way, along with real estate.

Let's keep mentoring each other, as you are right, two heads are better than one, three better than two....
Judi Premium
Hello Jade 919

Take your time ...do not let the wealth of information, overwhelm you. I have a mentor and he is helping me through it again....just when I was about to give up. There is lots to learn but when you start understanding ...it becomes easy....If you are stuck...you can post in the forum...someone will always assist you I am sure....If you need help ...holler!! We are all learning this together!! Welcome aboard...set your goals...dream big but most of all...you need to work for it...

Hey...you can write and that says a lot for you!! Commit to the passion and it will become your reality!!
Judi Premium
Hello Jade 919 and Marcus

Thanks for stopping by and sending me a post....I believe that you can answer everyone individually by clicking on their picture and write on their wall. when you post on your wall and use the names...it shows up on our wall as a group posting....I hope that helps...

Actually...I never realise you can do a group posting until you did it...lol. I guess that is my life here at WA..you are surprised each day and learn something new.I suppose by now you would have seen the forum and recognise you can also send us private messages directly if you wanted to...

I wish both of you all the success in your future endeavours. It is always good to have a partner in this as I have discovered...two heads are better than one!!

All the best

PS...Ah yes...I wish I can tell you I am fluent in either Chinese or Spanish...but no such luck as yet...Soon to come though. My hubby was in Spain for two months in 2002...and he really loved it...He was there for a Rotary Conference.back then...It was either 2002 or 2001...I guess I am getting old...lol
Michael Oksa Premium
Hi Judi,

Here in the northern United States it is not too sunny.

I'm sure you will find success with wealthy Affiliate. As a fellow marketer, I'm guessing you can appreciate how Kyle and Carson's approach can work. Helping people to have better lives is a worthy goal, and shows your heart is in the right place.

All the best,
Michael Oksa
Judi Premium
Disney world...wow...talk about the best motivator!! though I travelled to the US, Canada and the Caribbean mostly for company business trips...I have never been there. It would be nice to take my family there though...wow...hmmmm let me shoot for it in 2009!

Thanks Michael for reliving our child hood dreams...Disney was always a magical place for me and though in my dreams as a little girl...It is good to know someday it can become a reality with IM

I just know you will be successful too
Thanks for the dream
guitar fire Premium
Hi Judi,
Nice family photos. It's good to see you are going to be more active with WA again. I'm fairly new and in the process of learning to put web sites together. Getting the domain names was easy now not so much.
I wish you great success,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Judi thanks for the kind words I wrote to you from private messages but it would not go through. I have had a hard time getting messages through there.
I used the name Judi to send it and it was no go.
Yes music has been a blessing and a lifeline. I was in an abusive marriage for many years and when things got unbearable i would sing gospel tune with my guitar and peace would come. Now I can share the comfort I received with others.
Keep in touch,
guitar fire Premium
Hi judi,
Wow we have so much in common I am so glad to know you.
I will have to check and see if I registered. I went onto your web site and cannot see where to send an e-mail from.
Such a Newbie,I am. At my age it is a blessed thing to be a Newbie in any circumstance.
Will keep working at this,
Many blessings,
guitar fire Premium
Hi judi,
I went on to your web site and did not find 'register' anywhere. Bummer. How are you doing? it is late here. I had a vase of roses and petals dropped on the floor and my cat ate a few. I will have to come up with a way to add catnip to roses. Can you see...anything but get with making my web sites. I have a tendency to put off things that are too challenging..
Have a great day tomorrow,
guitar fire Premium
Hi judi haven't heard from you lately and I'm hoping that is because you are busy doing great! I still have web sites to build and want to get going with the new program.
Catch you later,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Judi how are you doing? Long time no hear from hope all is well. I know it is a busy time getting kids back to school.
Judi Premium
Hello Sandi
Thanks for the kind words. You will find many valuable tools here including supportive people. I have had helped from many people. So if you are stuck and would need my help ...you are welcome to send me a pm in the forum. My username is Judi...same as here.
You must be a great pastor being able to bring out your faith through the power of music...wonderful and awesome medium to communicate...
I wish you all the best in your endeavours
Judi Premium
Hello Sandi
It is great to hear from you. again..Strange way how God works out every tragedy in our lives and make it into something beautiful...at the time we do not see it...Until long after it unfolds and we realise God was there all along
...did you register in the forum first as a member....
If not send me an email on my website...if you still want to reach me
God's blessings to yo and yours
Judi Premium
hello Sandi

No problem...age is just a number. Hey I am 45 years old...and I still think i am 23...lol But I know the techni things gets to me too.
Just click on wealthy affiliate on sidebar of my website...and scroll down you will see my name...and why I feel young still lol

Also if you wanted to register...look and you will see a button for register and follow the instructions after that
All the best
Judi Premium
Hello Sandi
I have been busy lately but mostly with getting my boys back to school next week and our offline business. added to which we had a freak storm last week...and my high speed internet is gone. It is taking forever for the company to fix...i am using my secondary dial up...which is so frustrating...that I just log off.
Anyway...give me a shout at my email address jyoung_33122@yahoo.com and we can chat some more
See ya...until then...be good
Judi Premium
Hello Sandi

I do not know how your messages did not get to me until now...i just email ya
All the best