Posts by Justduky 10
March 17, 2010
I can't believe it. I've worked sooooo hard to get some decent ORIGINAL articles written and appoved (!) by EZA and do you believe someone swiped my work??? What gets me so MAD is that the person took the first section and then spun or just dropped it into some article machine which switched the words a few words. When you read the article it is TOTALLY obvious that the idiot didn't even proof read the final copy. With the "changed" words in it, it do
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March 03, 2010
Hi Everyone, I've been so busy trying to find my next campaign, create my own marketing plan, write, submit, you know the drill. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. As much as I try, I'm still slow as molasses. I don't know why... I'll never be able to get those 100 articles. But, if you don't try a little each day I guess that isn't even a chance. So off I go again to work, work, work.   Thanks for listening. Just needed to vent... ahh much better.
February 02, 2010
A blog here, a blog there. Well, thanks again to my friends here at WA I created a blog for my niche. It's always a high when I get up and running. Technology has been moving at the light of speed. I'm getting ready to crank out some more articles. I'm trying to go a bit faster, each day I learn a new trick. So off I go. 
This weekend was so exciting. I love to watch Football with my kids. It's so much fun! The game the food, etc. Nothing better than hanging out. Well, maybe there is one thing better.... INTERNET MARKETING!!!! Yes, folks while I was cheering on the boys, my articles were making me money. I don't call that luck, but we ladies like to pat ourselves on the back when it comes to mult-tasking. This career is the ultimate in multi-tasking.  I go to sleep at night thinking what's nex
January 12, 2010
Only with the help of fellow WA members was I able to actually submit my first article to EZ. Affiliate marketing is such an simple concept to understand. Making it happen is a whole other ball of wax. To think you can get yourself up-to-speed all by yourself is rediculous. Everyone needs someone to bounce off an idea or get a quick tip sometime.  I recently had a wonderful experience with a question posted on the forum. Not only did I benefit but several others on the t
January 04, 2010
Hey Folks - Happy New Year!! If you are like me you are looking forward to the new year and lots of new sales. I have been really encouraged that I'm actually making sales on my websites! Go figure. Yes, its starting. My new years resolution is to stick with IM and make the cash machine sing.   Anyone want to share their success or "tricks" - let me know here. Let's start our own group to help each other. Best of luck.          
December 03, 2009
Hi Gang, It seems like I have been waiting a long time to make this post. I finally did it. Yes, I made my first sale. What? You didn't hear me let out that huge cry. I think it was more of a cry of relief. I've been working and reading and studying and practicing, etc. etc. etc. and nothing! So having this sale was the push I needed to go on. I'm really excited and psyched to put together a big 2010 business plan. Yes, I am a planner. So with the new year coming I'll put tog
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October 26, 2009
Ok. Another Lens... let's see if this one actually has a few sales. I hope so. It's great to be recognized by the angels - and I do thank them, but I need to make some cash too. So with my latest lens I hope it is indexed quickly so I make it in time for the holiday sales. Otherwise, there won't be too many packages under our tree. UGH    
October 23, 2009
Yes - that's right. No brain storms... just a shower. But, now I'm excited and I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been hitting my head against the wall. I think I finally figured out a really great niche product - with great traffic. I'm thinking I should do a comparison lens. But, here is the kicker. The Keywords I would need to use to "categorize" the products are way to broad. Shoots my idea in the foot. I'll never get a page ranking if I use the broa
1 comment
October 20, 2009
Hey Folk s- This is my lucky day! My blog is up and running! I'm so happy since I've been busy creating lenses and learning IM.  I find it fasinating. I also would like to thank all of you who've shared your input. It's been so helpful.