Warm Welcomes.

Last Update: April 06, 2010

Hey there. First WA blog post. Ever. So I think today is Day 4 (sounds about right), and I am just so thankful for each and every one of you who have welcomed me here thus far. I had a hard time making a decision whether to join or not, but as many people have found, I really couldn't be more thrilled. There's a lot of information to go through, but I've been picking away at it one page at a time. Thankfully, I think I learn best from tutorials, guides, and research, so I've felt more than comfortable with the way things are set up here. And can I just say how impressed I am with all the collaborative efforts in the making of this community? Its great to see that the owners, Kyle and Carson, aren't the only ones putting all of their time and money into trying to help other members. With every member working hard to help everyone else, the extensive information bank collected, and most importantly the willingness to help others, its just an incredible feat.

I've started the Action Plan (started that right away). Its set up great thus far. I tend to get through a lot of material at once, so I got through the first lesson or two fairly quickly. I do wish it wasn't timed, but I understand the intention of practicing and building upon the points that were brought up, so that's precisely what I've been doing. However, I've also been checking out a lot of other things in the training center and the forum and have found a lot of helpful info. I think I've got a pretty good idea of what lies ahead of me and what is expected. And heck, with all the support and warm welcomes thus far, I'm more than motivated and determined to push through and continue!

So thanks again to all those who have been helpful and who have welcomed me into the community. Its very appreciated. I'm practically at a loss for words. If anyone needs help with anything, I'm more than willing to help and try and get you answers, so just let me know! Au revoir my friends..


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kadcpp Premium
You are in the right place for what you want! I could not say it better than Josh did below. I have been here three weeks with 2 lenses, 1 website and many published articles now. Action will equal results in the end. Welcome to WA again my friend!
DkWinter Premium
Sounds like you're off to a great start. Remember to always take ACTION. Don't spend all your time learning. If you read about article marketing, start writing some articles to practice. And then write some more. Read bout niche research? Go do some niche research. And then do it again.

Learning is great, but if you don't do anything you will get nowhere. The timed action plan gives you a great opportunity to take action on what you have learned.

Don't jump too far ahead just because you read something. Take the time to apply over and over again the things you learn. Then move on. You will be all the better for it in the end.