Karambolina's moans

Last Update: January 31, 2012

When I said in the introductory message on my WA space that I am a turtle and tend to learn new things very slowly I was clearly lying: I'm officially a snail. I can't think of any other creature to compare myself with that would be slower than a snail.

Absolutely everything is a struggle. It took me a few weeks (yes, you read it right - WEEKS) to set up a social plug in on my site. Some of it is working, some of it I'm yet to deal with and sort out....

Trying to set up a fan page for my site on FB and, whatever I did on the way, it is (surprise, surprise!!) not working and I have no clue where to start to sort it out. The FB guidelines are anything but helpful.

The only good thing that I have achieved so far was getting a few articles published on SA.


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Labman_1 Premium
Keep at it and soon you will understand this stuff.