About Karstenm
Joined November 2007
My name is Karsten. I'm 37 years old, married, father of two, and living just outside Liverpool in the UK.

I work as a Gardener Supervisor, training young kids to become gardeners, while providing a highly valued service to elderly and disabled people in the area where I live.

In my spare time I do a lot of surfing on the internet, and have been looking to generate an income online for quite some time. This is why I came to WA - because I've heard that this is the place to be if you're serious - and you can bet your life that I am!

Another great interest of mine is my allotment plot, where I try to grow as much of my family's food as possible. I've set up a website for allotment plot holders - which I still plan to turn into a moneymaking site - but that's a long term project.

I love football [ that's soccer to you yanks ;o) ] and the team I support is Liverpool FC. I figured that since I haven't any recent and/or decent pictures of myself I'd put their badge on my profile for now. This is subject to change though....
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
karstenm Premium
Hi Clive.

Yeah - it's gonna be a tough one at the Bridge - particularly with the injuries carried by some of our core players. I'm cautiously optimistic, and anything but a defeat will do me just fine ;o)

About the gold - you're welcome! K&C will give you 10 on the first day of every month - as long as you have given the previous 10 away. They're doing me no good gathering dust in my account - so have another one ;o)

phes Premium
Hey Karsten
I have just joined WA recently as you have and because I am from Wigan thought I would drop you a line and wish you all the best

Thanks Paul
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Karsten,
I saw the Liverpool badge and clicked on the icon quicker than Torres run on to that ball at Goodison on Saturday. I'm on the Wirral, and yes, a Liverpool fan. Had to drop you a line. How are you doing with your Internet Marketing?
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Karsten,
This is getting better by the minute. I've been wanting to meet up with other IMers for a while, so that's great news, I'd love to accept that spare seat. Yes, I know Rainhill very well, I'm from Prescot originally. I've still got friends and family living in both areas, and I occasionally meet a friend in the Vic to watch Liverpool. I'll PM you later today, and send you my e-mail and phone number.
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Karsten,
What a klutz I am. I've only just discovered that you laid some gold at my door. That was very kind and extremely generous. Hope you're well, and I expect we'll speak soon. Tough game at the weekend eh?
karstenm Premium
Hi Clive.

Thanks for your message on my WA Space. Great to have found yet another supporter of the greatest football club in the world. Loved your comment about clicking the badge faster than Torres ran onto the ball at Goodison on saturday..... your mouse must be on fire still ;o)

I'm on the other side of the Mersey. I live in Rainhill. I've met up with another guy from WA - and I think we'll start meeting up again over winter - to try and take our IM to new heights. I'm sure we can make a seat available for you too if you're interested.

Speak soon
