You need daily goals to achieve your dreams!

Last Update: March 20, 2011

I just re-read Brian Tracy's "Goals".  Every couple of years when things aren't running smoothly I remember that I have the cd's to turn to for inspiration and a kick in the butt.  If you haven't read "Goals" you should take the opportunity for you and your business to read it.


I believe everyone in business makes a daily, weekly or monthly list of what they need to accomplish, and we cross off the items that are completed.  But we don't really set or achieve the real goals we want for our lives.


Brian's explanation of setting goals is baed on discovering our wants and needs and all the obstacles involved.  What knowledge, skills and contacts will be needed to achieve them.  You actually have to break your goals into smaller achieveable  stages.  Make daily goal lists to accomplish, those goals will change constantly.  Practice visualization of your goals.  Brian is a strong believer in the law of attraction.


Resolve never to give up.  Change and  update daily and become persistant and self-disiplined and make your goals a habit.


Have a great, blessed and profitable day!



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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Kathy. I'm familiar with his videos. It's very helpful to ramp up motivation. Thanks for your blog. And yes, never give up!