Posts by Kendrick 3
August 01, 2012
I just learn of the ABC trick! This is amazing! I got good results with the snap of a finger. Usually when you are trying out something new , the results do not appear this quickly. I know how insane this may sound to you. I know you may want to try it to.Let me tell what I am talking about first of all.So today I was trying this Alphabet Soup Technique out and I laughed out loud. It is super easy and I may have done some similar to this, but this cuts the cake! Kyle does a lot of things that we
July 23, 2012
It has been awhile since I saw this this site from my laptop. Now I see clearly on what I want to be and what I want to do in the future. My vision is set on a lot of things right now, but I am aware that I would have to do all the things want to do one at a time.WA was one of things I wanted to do since 2010. Well I am here! I would also have to see the difference between a want and a need. I have been tremendously well this year! I want to be better! So I made the decision to never stop. I wil
I just wanted to let everyone know of my accomplishments thru far! I have done so much in just a little time. Like creating a website and writing articles. Both are totally new to me. I was very excited to start WA and the small amount of time since I have been here I have connected well with the members here. They are really helpful. Even though I work full time, I still find time to get some done. If I did not have this full time job I would be here 24/7 or almost 24/7. This is beyond ne