About Kerry
Joined August 2008
A mother of 2 children and a business owner, we live in beautiful Hervey Bay, Queensland Australia.
A true blue Aussie and very interested in taking on IM as a new career and able to use what I have learnt to also grow our finance company online.

I love to learn new things and I love to grow mentally and I must say I have definitely given myself a challenge.
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guitar fire Premium
Welcome to WA Kerry...I wish you great success here and fun along the way.
Guitar fire,
kerry Premium
Im Kerry I live in sunny queensland Australia, I love living on the coast, married with 2 children, boy and girl.
Have always had an interest in marketing and business and also love decorating and renovating homes, landscaping, short trips away and travel.
kerry Premium
I know the industry is in such a mess I am still trying to get through all the 8 week getting started course it's definitely another world hey.
kerry Premium
I meant the finance industry
kerry Premium
I know it's not coming up and I am having trouble putting in the ftp codes in WA hosting have been away from pc since thursday night and I somehow am trying to figure it out with much frustration
kerry Premium
Yes as they keep saying so I am confident enough to know well I have not jumped the gun and have to start again but then again it's time for me to get going too with some action
HPFyeIII Premium
Thanks for your comment on my "Squidoo Lens" post! Good Luck with your business!
sandyjay Premium
Welcome, keep learning, it keeps you young. The great thing about this is you can go at your own pace.
What are the ages of your childern? I have 2 boys ages 15 and 17. They are soon to be 16 and 18. How quickly they've grown! They've both surpassed me in height. Great kids but we have to keep on them towards the end of the school year to keep the grades up.
kerry Premium
Well Im sorry for the late reply I have moved postions with my office space and seems to be working better, my daughter is 8 and son is 5 my boy just started school and I use most of my day trying to be productive although we just had a great camping trip out to the country and was just what we all needed to get back into focus.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hi Kerry, few days late, but welcome to WA, hope to hear from you on the site and forum.
Ezinewriter Premium
Thanks for your reply Kerry!
I do exclusively bum marketing, which is FREE marketing. I write a lot of articles and lenses on Squidoo. I've posted 3 tutorials about article writing here on WA. Just go to Share Zone and you should see them. (look for Ezinewriter). I also have a Squidoo lens that give some basics on how to write a lens at http://www.squidoo.com/howtosquidoolens. If you have any question don't hesitate to ask!
kerry Premium
Thnk you for your kind welcome it's nice to have a true photo so you know who youre really posting too, I am feeling a little daunted although I am just following all the steps one by one for begginners and doing as it says and trying not to run off in other areas as it is so easy to do and not remember where the hell you were....
How is your ventures going?