About Keyaziz
Joined May 2008

I am back for round 2 to help me really push my income up to where I wanted it to be already! Currently at $600 a month - completely passive which is great - I want to push this up to $5,000 eventually.

It has taken a lot of work for me to get my sites to where they are but I have some sites I know that can grow further. I would really love to outsource but outsourcing terrifies me as I want things a specific way. I am thinking of hiring family to do some writing for me though.

I am a stay at home mum. I have a 3 and a half year old boy who I intend to homeschool/unschool unless he tells me he wants to go to school. He is really social already and is starting to get playdates from attending some homeschooling groups! So much more social than me :)

My boyfriend is super awesome and talented. He is a music production/audio engineer (http://www.numbskullaudio.com) who is just getting grants/funding to set up a studio locally. At the moment he does things mostly online and is great. He also has great music - http://www.soundclick.com/darkadian). If you like his production or music it would be great if you could like his facebook pages:


Me? Well am a frugivore (raw vegan). I live on fruit for the most part and love it. I also love running, particularly long distance, am learning to play guitar and just picked up the piano. I enjoy reading sci fi books and love Ursula Le Guin. I also just love reading. I am intending to train as a Rolfer next year in the UK and would love it if my internet monies could fund the whole thing :)

I have many interests so many I couldn't possibly list them here - but ify ou get to know me you will soon find out. I am very passionate about many things and will engross myself into subjects a lot. I am always learning and love it very much :)
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Apson Premium
Hey you cutie! Howz life?

keyaziz Premium
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ya
evpstud Premium
Welcome to the WA site. You've got a really cool blog there and I like your writing style.
keyaziz Premium
Hello...thank you for the compliment I passed it on to my boyfriend, seeing as it is his blog! I couldnt get more than one site up yesterday but now I have put up my own ;)

Would be interested if you had any advice of tips for promoting your own product as that is my next step.

Anyway thanks for the welcome :)
johnmozier2 Premium
Hi keyaziz,
Does that mean the key is to be as you are or simply yourself? I think that's right on. I saw you in the most active list and thought I'd come check out your space. Glad I did, it's great. I really like everything about the way you did Eco Eden. That is going to be a guide for me. I have not yet put up my first site but I'm working on it, and gathering ideas.
Good luck with all and to your baby,
johnmozier2 Premium
Oh I almost forgot, I'd like to add you to my buddies list if you don't mind. It will raise your popularity score one point anytime someone adds you to their list in case you did not know. I notice you haven't added any buddies. I'm sure no one would mind if they found their self on your list. It is after all good to find your self.
johnmozier2 Premium
Hey me again,
Thank you so much for coming to my space and giving me a reply, it means a lot to me. Thank you also for putting me on your buddies list, much appreciated. As for what I like about your website that inspires me; that could be a very lengthy reply, but I will keep it as brief as possible. I really like several aspects. To start with it's name My Eco Eden is very poetic and alluring. Then the sub-title "a journey of personal growth through ethical living" speaks volumes to me as it will to anyone who has given much thought to these ideas. This is a tremendously needed area of development today more than ever. I respect that you share this understanding. Then the basic layout is what inspires the most ideas for me toward developing my own site. It is simple in a pleasing way, suggesting that this is done by asthetic choice rather than limited means or skills. Which in my case is the current reality. So your layout is ideal. Nicely done.

Look forward to continuing to see you around,

keyaziz Premium

I feel quite good that you would use my website as a guide ;) Did you liuke the layout or the genre? Its a bit of a slow process at the moment..too many areas I am delving into on a personal level that I get overwhelmed...but I feel a need and desire to move forward ethically in all aspects.

So what ya dreaming about? ;) And whats your idea for a website?
cashjugunu Premium
I like to take time out of my very busy schedule to welcome new folks here at WA...so here goes:

I have added you to my buddy list - would appreciate it if you'd reciprocate.


keyaziz Premium
Thanks for welcome...heres to our success ;)
Jamie Holt Premium

how ya likin WA?.... just thought I'd drop you a note, as I saw baby talk..lol....I got a l'il girl at nearly 3 months... it's a blast..


Jamie Holt Premium

yeah babies do change you.. I always said I didn't want children, and people told me it's different when it's your own...and I didn't think I would be any different... lol.. It's ace being a dad...Lovin every minute of it

keyaziz Premium
And you are my age too.....babies change you dont they? I didnt think Id bore myself with talking about my son lol! I like it on here...it has a good layout and has been good for improving some of my work i have already done. How about you?