My Birthday Wish--To Be Debt-free when I'm 40!

Last Update: December 19, 2010

 Yes, today is my birthday and my wish (second to Good health for my family) - is to be debt-free when I'm 40!  That is including my mortgage (if I may!)

They say be careful for what you wish for.

I read an article a couple of weeks back pertaining to today's economy with some relation to your retirement...well, that's how I understood it.  Anyway, with today's economy you're still doing your job to make ends meet and hopefully gives you enough savings when you retire.  And what would you be doing when you retire?

It just gave me a wisdom to realize that yes, I may love what I do for a living but for how long.  My career is not my chosen one but I've done a good 20 years doing it and I want to spend the next 20 years doing something what I would choose now.  Here's a thought I'd like to share ===>>>some words to live by-

                                                  WHAT YOU LOVE BE WHAT YOU DO.jpg" width="94" height="130" title="" alt="" />

Now I chose to learn how to make a living online and I love every minute of it. What could be better than working on your kitchen table!  With my 3 kids around this time of year, I'm literally working on my kitchen table.  I'd say achieving success in  Internet Marketing isn't easy, but it is POSSIBLE!

I've learned how IM works now and it's all down to me to TAKE ACTION and MAKE IT HAPPEN.  And I have 365 days to fulfill that wish.

To everyone here inside WA who has helped and who will help me with my venture - a million Thanks to all of you.  Some people may be disappointed with the help they're getting here inside WA but hey -- there's no such thing as a perfect world!  It's not only a matter of what you can get inside WA but what counts the most is how you help other people.  When someone asks in the forum about the tiny little things that I happen to know, I take time to share and for me that's really fulfilling.  And I'm gonna carry that to fulfill my own dreams.

Learning something new is never easy but it should be fun!

Thanks to WA for all the learning opprtunities and this is my path to fulfilling that wish.

Thank you all.

Nothing is more powerful than the force of personal identity—when a person's soul transcends the limits of the moment to embrace all that they are capable of becoming.   - Anthony Robbins


To our success,


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affiliateph Premium
Happy happy birthday Annel! I think you're doing great and your attitude towards learning and taking action will move you towards your wish. Enjoy your day. :)
Labman_1 Premium
Happy Birthday Annel.
Sherion Premium
Best wishes to you. Happy Birthday Annel.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to your success and birthday celebration Annel!