About KismatroszAW
Joined February 2009
my Name is Erwin Heid, I´m a German freelance working architect, I´m living in Hungary directly on the lake "Balaton" since 10 years, I´m working in Hungary - Romania - Croatia for real estate development as specialist for Wellness &Spa - Golf tourism, but my special kind of experience are biological - ecological constructions and use of alternative energy sources.
Since one year I try my luck as Internet Marketer with my own website done by stone evans (PlugInProfitSite) without any success. During twitter I´ve got the contact to wealthy affiliate, and I have the feeling I´m on the right place. The onliest problem the english language is not my mother tongue.
My Hobbies are sailing, horse riding, my bike, fishing if there is time for it, and art painting. I´m 59 years old, married with a lovely women. Our child (three son) the oldest is married and has a child, so I´, grandfather too.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Erwin. Welcome to WA! Now work hard. Click on my pic to reply. John
MarenFF Premium
Hej Erwin, welcome to the WA community.
Don't worry too much about English not being your mother tongue. It isn't for quite a few members, amongst others also for me.
So just start going through the resources and feel free to ask me if you need any help (you can even ask me in German if you need to). See you around, Maren
KismatroszAW Premium
Hi Maren, thank you very much for your offer I´ll come back for that. I f you have time for traveling, I´m living in Hungary, in Fonyod not fare away from the balaton, any time you are welcome. Erwin