Its Been a While

Last Update: December 04, 2011

It has been a while since I posted anything here... thought I better.

 I visit WAU every day but have been so busy with everthing that I haven't interacted with many members.


I have been using the task/goal tool to keep track of my IM efforts... You should do the same with this tool or something simular. Helps me keep on trac. 

I can never get spell check to work here! lol

Does anyone out there use craigslist in their marketing efforts?

Not a whole lot on this site about it... any good for you?

Like to hear your thoughts.

Well I got to go... wish everyone the best! 

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Labman_1 Premium
Not using Craigslist yet. But I have my own Craig's list.
Nice to see you here. Don't be a stranger.