About KLynnOlsen
Joined January 2010
I am 50 yrs old, and just trying to start over having had my fill of corporate America. Yuck!

I am raising two small toddlers who will always be 2 years old, and each knows 50 words or more. They can sometimes be a little bundle of trouble, but I love them anyway. I posted a picture of one of them as a baby contemplating his next rope attack. In case you can't tell, he is a baby Shih Tzu.

My next great love is my music box collection, of which I have over 200. My husband has declared that I must get rid of at least 10 of them. Oh well.

I live on Hood Canal in Washington State and we have a boat and enjoy summers on the canal since the marina is only 5 miles away, and we keep it moored during the summer. It takes about 15 minutes to get our on the water. It's great. The babies like it too, although the smallest one (not the one in the picture) tried to jump through an open window when we were going about 17 knots his first time out on the water. He is now forbidden from riding on the boat without a life jacket. ;-)

I am excited about getting involved in this program, and could use some buddies. If you need help with data analysis, or database analysis, or project management, you could do worse. I have 26 years experience in data analysis, database analysis and just plain old analysis. I have 18 years experience in Project Management.

I’m working on expanding my arsenal to include HTML. If you would like to be my buddy, please let me know.

Nice chatting with you.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
thulsey Premium
Hi Lynn, Welcome. I live with my family WA State as well. We live in the Olympia area. Besides the 1st grandchild our babies are Shih Tzu's too. What do you know. Anyway it might be fun to learn and grow here together. Lets be buddies. By the way PM means Personal Message.
Miles of Smiles,
idm Premium
Hey Lynn. You were looking for buddies? :)
Honey Premium
Hi, KLynn! I read your post to Ivana's blog about buddying up with someone. Send me a PM and let me know what you want to do. Maybe we can connect.
KLynnOlsen Premium
Hi, I'm still trying to figure out how the blog's and buddy talk spaces work on this site. It's a little confusing. What do you mean by PM? I'm not up on 100% of the slang yet.

thanks much!
KLynnOlsen Premium
I don't have any picktures of myself around, but I do have one of my foot, and my baby Rambo. Id like to be buddies with you.