Posts by Kpcwriting 7
Holy moly batboy (or girl) , I just realized that I've been back on WA for almost 3 months and although I have been taking action, I have NOT accomplished my 3 month goals. Waaaahhhhh. Instead, of increasing my income by $500 more, it is stagnant - right where it was when I started. Now, I've learned alot and 3 months isn't a whole lot of time, right? Ummm wrong. 3 months is too long for  someone like me that has been at this IM stuff for almost 4 years and still makes less than $36,000 a y
Hey guys - it has been about a month since I rejoined WA and I can honestly say that I am still loving it and learning a lot. I have been slacking a little bit with training but I am still taking action and applying what I've learned so all is good. However, I have to be completely and totally honest with you - I was getting a little (ok  a lot) frustrated because I didn't see any real changes in my income yet. Mind you I was wasn't expecting a big change but enough to say "You Go Girl
June 29, 2010
Confession time -  although I planned on sticking only to backlinking this month, it didn't work out so well. I really tried - I really and truly did. However, temptation got the best of me and I just had to  build a few more blogs around some really good keywords.  I tried so hard to only concentrate on the sites I had and backlink only but when researching for my existing sites,  I found more keywords and just had to build sites around them. Yikes. Now I have a few more sit
Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still around taking action. The training course here at WA is extremely helpful in keeping me focused. I am learning so many new things that I honestly didn't know about. I also can't wait to try out the word press blogging platform - as soon as I make time for it but right now, Ih have to stay focused. Focused on NOT building more sites and instead concentrating on building traffic to the ones that I already have.  LOL! I never realized that there
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Just wanted I would check in and let you know that things are going great and I am having a blast! I haven't really seen an increase in revenues yet but I am planting a bunch of seeds and watering them everyday. In addition,  I've finally had a wake up/Ahaa moment. Don't know if it was due to something I read and finally made a connection that all my niche sites and web 2.0 properties need to work together and feed off one another to maximize my efforts. I also see that 5-10 articles and a
Hey guys- I've been taking some action these past few days and am happy to report that I survived. Haha. Unfortunately, I haven't really seen any improvement in my Clickbank sales from my recent efforts  but I still have time to meet my goals. This week, I've discovered Squidoo (thanks PotPieGirl), developed some lenses, tried to get them higher placement (no luck yet they are like #gazillion in ranking), written some articles for a related blogger blog, submitted more relevant articles to
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Hey there - As you guys can see, I’ve been an internet marketer for two years now and although I have started and given up many times, I have accomplished a small amount of success that I am proud of. Right now, I make about $2500 a month from my IM efforts. For me, this is really good but only a drop in the bucket cause I have a TON of debt (law school loans, stupid credit cards, etc) that I must pay off. However, the good news is that I really believe that I can do it if I increase my succes